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CFD Webstore
CFD Engineering UK have started to develop a CFD Case Study webstore
At CFD Engineering UK we have decided to take our vast CFD Case Study database a step closer to those professionals who would like to benefit from fully developed and detailed application examples, as an efficient way of learning.
One of our Case Studies has caught your eye?
Let us know and we will put that or something very similar into the webstore. Please send your enquiry in an email to
Why learn on detailed models made by professionals with 18+ years of experience?
Our CFD case study webstore will save you time spent on research, geometry creation, boundary condition and mesh building steps of a fluid dynamics simulation project. Our aim is to speed up your learning process or give you the hint you need to carry on with your own project.
We will do this with clean, ready-to-use geometry together with simple boundary condition and mesh building instructions.
Sometimes it is just a small piece of information you need to get a simulation finally running and steady. Excercises coming with a software package are usually very basic. The usual setup is that models are simple, these lack any real life geometrical details.
Our case studies on the other hand work with realistic, unscaled models. Just take a look at our aircraft aero CFD simulation, our data centre simulation or the environmental CFD simulation. If you already know how to run a transonic simulation on a 2D airfoil then the next step is to learn to deal with the 3D full scale commercial aircraft model.
What we plan to offer:

- Complete CAD model in .stp (Step) and/or .x_t (Parasolid) file formats,
- Tessellated simulation model in .stl and .mdl file formats, .mdl includes designated surface and volume regions,
- Boundary condition and mesh settings files,
- Complete finite volume mesh that you can run with the settings file provided,
- Results screenshots and 3D results files to analyse in a free viewer.